Terry Reedy wrote:

Yes, and presumably if some power user did this, then that would be the intended effect. Not sure why they'd do that, but they must have a good reason -- who am I to stop them?

What if a curious user simple looks at a file with an editor and saves it without change?

You can't do that, on the Mac at least...

Or changes it inconsequentially? Or makes copy to x.py.orig, edits and plays with original, and when done renames x.py.orig to x.py. Or any such thing (which I have done in Pythonxy/Lib) without any intention of changing version date?

Then the About box will show, quite correctly, that the app was mucked with at that date, and when they call me up and complain, and I ask them to read me the contents of the About box, I can know right away that they've probably broken something (no matter how inconsequential they believed their change to be), and tell them to re-download it.

But really, this is NOT going to happen. These users wouldn't even know how to open the app bundle to find the Python files.

Any comments on the functioning and platform-independence of the code?

- Joe


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