alex23 wrote:
On Jan 22, 1:16 am, TP <tribulati...@paralleles.invalid> wrote:
Is the following code pythonic:
l=[{"title":"to", "value":2},{"title":"ti","value":"coucou"}]
dict = [ dict for dict in l if dict['title']=='ti']
[{'title': 'to', 'value': 2}]

Try not to use 'dict' or the name of any of the other built-in types
as labels.

You're stepping through an entire list just to pass another list to
l.remove to step through and remove items fact, given that
list.remove deletes the -first- occurance of the item, you're asking
it to loop through -again- to find the matching element which you've -
already- detected. A better and cleaner approach would be to step
through the list -once- and remove the item when you find it:

    for index, record in enumerate(l):
        if record['title'] == 'ti':

FYI, you shouldn't modify a list you're iterating over.

Or you could just use a list comprehension:

    l = [d for d in l if d['title'] == 'ti']

The for-loop was removing the item where there's a match, so the list comprehension in this case should keep the item where there _isn't_ a match:

l = [d for d in l if d['title'] != 'ti']

[remainder snipped]

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