Ben Finney:

> Adding an editor to Python solves this problem only for Python.

I'm sure that once such "editor" (I use the word editor for lack of a
better term) is created, it can also be quickly adapted with other
dynamic languages, like Ruby, TCL, Lua, Io, Perl, Awk, ecc. Probably
it can't be adapted for languages like Java, C++, etc.

> Many of us solve this by using a single full-featured programmer's
> editor that allows invoking a program +IBQ- written in any of *dozens or
> hundreds* of different languages +IBQ- from within the editor.

I don't know what an IBQ is. But I was not talking about a normal
editor. Take a look at TextCalc, for example. I am trying to invent
something that I have not seen so far :-)

> It's a solution that only requires you to learn one editor interface,

I'm looking for something very easy to use, probably more easy than
the Python shell itself.

>The leaders in the field, by far, are GNU Emacs 
><URL:> and Vim<

I'm probably looking for something based on different ideas.


Bruno Desthuilliers:

>emacs python-mode is a very powerful combo. Write your code in a buffer,
send it for evaluation to another buffer running a Python shell,
interact with it, switch back to the edit buffer, change your code,
lather, rinse, repeat.<

I am sure that's very useful, but it's not what I am looking for. I am
looking for something that's a bit closer to the Mathematica shell,
but more passive and fitter to edit 10-lines long programs too, and
able to save the cleaned text result of the interaction.


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