On Thursday 22 January 2009 08:32:51 am Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> And now I have accidentally broken the spam() method, due to a name clash.

True, that's bad. I wish that were 'fixed'.

> Besides, double-underscore names are a PITA to work with:

Isn't that example the point of having self.__private variables? To make sure 
that the Parrot.__private attributes don't clash with the RedParrot.__private 
attributes with the same name?

[parrot example follows just for context, but my reply ends here]

> >>> class Parrot(object):
> ...     __colour = 'blue'
> ...     def __str__(self):
> ...         return 'A %s parrot' % self.__colour
> ...     __repr__ = __str__
> ...
> >>> class RedParrot(Parrot): # Just like Parrot, only red.
> ...     __colour = 'red'
> ...
> >>> Parrot()
> A blue parrot
> >>> RedParrot()
> A blue parrot

Luis Zarrabeitia (aka Kyrie)
Fac. de Matemática y Computación, UH.

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