Akira Kitada <akit...@gmail.com> writes:

> I collected common layout from existing code and pasted them below.
> My vote would go to d1. How about yours?

It seems that I use both d1 and d4, though in both cases I omit the
trailing commas.  I use d1 when each item is on a separate line, and d4
when I'm packing them onto multiple lines.


        op = XT.make_optparse \
             ([('E', 'error',
                {'action': 'store_const', 'dest': 'type', 'const': 'error',
                 'help': "Mark the window as reporting an error."}),
               ## ...
               ('t', 'title',
                {'dest': 'title',
                 'help': "Set the window's title string."})],
              version = VERSION,
              usage = '%prog [-EIQWm] [-t TITLE] [-d HEADLINE] '
                      'MESSAGE [BUTTONS...]')


        service_info = [('watch', T.VERSION, {
          'adopted': (0, 0, '', cmd_adopted),
          'kick': (1, 1, 'PEER', cmd_kick)

In this latter case, were I defining multiple services, I'd indent it

        service_info = [
          ('watch', T.VERSION, {
            'adopted': (0, 0, '', cmd_adopted),
            'kick': (1, 1, 'PEER', cmd_kick)

-- [mdw]

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