excord80 a écrit :
On Jan 28, 4:57 am, Bruno Desthuilliers <bruno.
42.desthuilli...@websiteburo.invalid> wrote:

What about:http://thraxil.org/code/cgi_app/

(yes, it is a port of CGI::Application, and FWIW it's mentionned on the
CGI::Application's wiki).

Nice find. Thank you. Interesting project. It seems to be only one
fairly short file (perhaps that's all it takes),

It is. And given the intended context (CGI...), it's a GoodThing !-)

and its most recent
release was in 2004. No mailing list.

Nope. But does it need new release or a mailing list ? As you say, it's just a pretty simple module. The point is that you are very likely to fork it for your own needs anyway - so see it as a good starting point for a simple lightweight CGI/mod_python (and why not WSGI) framework.

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