On Feb 1, 12:38 am, "Hendrik van Rooyen" <m...@microcorp.co.za> wrote:
>  "flagg" <iana.....@gmail.com> wrote:
> >Let me see if i can elaborate on the requirements.  I have 20+
> >different zone files.  I want the xmlrpc server to be able to
> >determine what zone file to open by looking at the incoming xml
> >request.  For example one of the functions I have now is to show a DNS
> >record (I am using dnspython for most of this work)
> This is a wrong move, it is too magical - see below
> >If i send an xmlrpc request that uses the 'showRecord' function with
> >params of 'oracle1.foo.bar.com'  I want to parse the "params" piece
> >and then instruct the xml-rpc server to open foo.bar.com.zone for
> >reading.  The reason why i was looking at do_Post() and _dispatch was
> >to attempt to read the incoming params and do exactly that.
> >Do you think there is an easier way of accomplishing this, than the
> >way I am going about it?
> Yes I do.
> Why don't you split the functionality into two bits - exactly as if you were
> doing
> it locally:
> - OpenTheThing(whatOrWhere)
> - ReadTheRecordAndShowIt(PossiblyWhichRecord)
> If it's a remote database you are accessing, then you may need even more
> steps, like first doing some select, or whatever - I would get it running
> locally, calling local functions directly on the server, and then make them
> remote xmlrpc proxy functions, after it's all working.
> If you are getting the request from some user input, you can either change
> the way you ask the questions, or you do the parsing at point of origen, to
> determine what to call, in which sequence.
> - Hendrik

Actually I have it working as local functions, its wrapping those
local functions up in a way that makes sense that is throwing me off.
Your suggestion of making two functions one for opening the file and
one for showing records makes sense.   I will give it a shot

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