<r......@bi...nce.com> wrote:

> Quoth "Hendrik van Rooyen" <m...@mi...orp.co.za>:
> > Now there are a LOT of dicey statements in the above passionate
> > plea - python is a language, and not a philosophy, but I won't go
> > into that, as that would lead off onto a tangent, of which there have
> > been a surfeit in this thread.
> Ah, now I understand.  This is where you part company from the
> people you are arguing against.
> Python _is_ a philosophy.
> There is no smiley after that statement.  :)
> --RDM
> PS: More accurately, Python _embodies_ a philosophy, and to advocate
> changes that go against that philosophy is to advocate changing
> Python into something that would no longer be Python.  You can do
> that, but you aren't likely to get the community to follow you.

*sits on his hands to try to avoid the tangent, with the gaping hole of religion
looming beneath the spiderweb of philosophy, and the language spec gathering
dust in the corner, forgotten and forlorn*


- Hendrik


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