Baris Demir wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I am quite new to python and using it for my thesis.  Luckily I found
> out some kind of behavior surprising to me and so unwanted in my code. I
> could not find any explanation, so solution for the code.
> It is simply like this:
> /*li = another_module.global_variable
> f=simpleCut(li)
> def simpleCut(d=dict()):
>       temp=d
>       for i in temp.keys():
>           if    (temp[i] == .......) :
>              temp[i]=new_value
> return temp
> */
> here /*simpleCut(d=dict())*/ is a function that changes the value of the
> key in the d if it satisfies conditions and returns the new dictionary.
> what i do not understand is, when i checked the original dictionary
> /*li,*/ i also found out that, the value of that key(operated in the if
> statement) had also been changed. so, simply, the simpleCut function
> also changes the variables of its own argument, even there is a 'temp'
> variable. That is a scandal for my code:)
> please tell me, if this is not possible and i am missing another thing
> in my code, or if this kind of behavior is possible, what is the
> philosophy of it, and how can i change it???
It's called "Reference Semantics".

"d" refers to a dict. When you say "temp=d" it makes "temp" also refer
to that dict; it doesn't copy the dict. If you want a copy when you have
to do so explicitly with "temp=d.copy()".

When you pass "li" into simpleCut() you're not making a copy either!

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