Hello everyone,

So I have this function I want to map onto a list of sequences of *several* arguments (while I would want to pass those arguments to each function in the normal fashion). I realize this is contrived, maybe an example would make this clear:

params = [ ('comp.lang.python', ['rtfm', 'shut']), ('comp.lang.perl', ['rtfm','shut']) ]

qurls = map(consqurls, params)

def consqurls(args):
    ggroup, gkeywords = args

Since the argument passed to map'ped function is a single tuple of arguments, I have to unpack them in the function. So the question is how to pass several arguments to a map'ped function here?

Code in question:

def fillurlfmt(args):
    urlfmt, ggroup, gkw = args
    return {'group':ggroup, 'keyword':gkw, 'url': urlfmt % (gkw, ggroup)}

def consqurls(args):
    ggroup, gkeywords = args
urlfmt = 'http://groups.google.com/groups/search?as_q=%s&as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&num=10&scoring=&lr=&as_sitesearch=&as_qdr=&as_drrb=b&as_mind=1&as_minm=1&as_miny=1999&as_maxd=1&as_maxm=1&as_maxy=2009&as_ugroup=%s&as_usubject=&as_uauthors=&safe=off'
    qurls = map(fillurlfmt, [ (urlfmt, ggroup, gkw) for gkw in gkeywords])
    return qurls

if __name__ == "__main__":
    gkeywords = ['rtfm', 'shut']
    ggroups = ['comp.lang.python', 'comp.lang.perl']
    params = [(ggroup, gkeywords) for ggroup in ggroups]
    qurls = map(consqurls, params)
    print qurls



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