On 2009-02-05, Christian Heimes <li...@cheimes.de> wrote:
> Youri Lammers schrieb:
>> Ok,
>> I want to run a program called 'muscle' with my python script,
>> muscle uses the following command:
>> 'muscle.exe -in filename -out filename'
>> so far I got:
>> import os
>> args = ['-in filename', '-out filename']
>> os.system('E:\Programs\muscle\muscle.exe args')
>> However, when I run this nothing happends, no error message, nothing.
>> So what am I doing wrong here?
> For starters you should use the subprocess module instead of os.system.
> Next you have either write "E:\\..." or r"E:\..." (note the trailing 'r').

Leading 'r'.

Or just skip cmd.exe and use forward slashes like god intended.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! I'd like MY data-base
                                  at               JULIENNED and stir-fried!

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