Andreas Waldenburger wrote:

> I've found something in the spirit of the following (in the epydoc
> sources, if you care):
> if True:
>     print "outer if"
>     for t in range(2):
>         if True:
>             print "for if"
>     else:
>         print "phantom else"
> For the life of me I can't place the "else". Which if clause does it
> belong to? None, it would seem from running the above snippet:
> outer if
> For if
> For if
> Phantom else
> It seems that there is a for...else construct. Replacing the inner if
> with pass seems to confirm this. The else clause is still executed.
> What's broken here: Python or my brain?

Your rtfm sensor?

In short, the else suite is executed unless the for-loop is left
via 'break':

>>> for i in [1]:
...     break
... else:
...     print "else"
>>> for i in [1]:
...     pass
... else:
...     print "else"


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