On 2009-02-07 08:46, Peter Chant wrote:

I'm a bit of a python newby.  I want to play and record sound
simultaneously.  SWMixer seems able to do this but the examples use WAV
files.  I'm trying to play a test tone.  Can anyone give me a steer as to
why this fails?

Looking at the SWMixer docs, you probably want

  snd = swmixer.Sound(data=tone_data)

Well, sort of. You probably need to scale your data and convert it to int16 format. It's currently in floating point format.

When asking about why something fails, it helps a lot if you specify exactly how it fails and what you expected to happen. Copy-and-paste any error messages exactly.

If you need more help with SWMixer's API, I recommend asking the author. It's not in widespread use, so he can probably give you better and faster help than we can.

If you need more help with numpy, specifically, you can ask on the numpy-discussion mailing list. numpy *is* in widespread use, but there's a higher concentration of helpful numpy users over there.


Robert Kern

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth."
  -- Umberto Eco


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