Paul McGuire:
> LEET_LETTERS = dict( zip("eEaAiItTsSoObB", "33441177550088") )
> def leet(s):
>     return ''.join( LEET_LETTERS.get(c,c) for c in s )

This may be better:

from string import maketrans

def leet(txt):
    leet_chars = maketrans("eEaAiItTsSoObB", "33441177550088")
    return txt.translate(leet_chars)

Moving leet_chars outside the function increases speed a bit.

Or for more expert Python programmers, you can add an attribute the
object function, I don't know if you like this:

from string import maketrans

def leet(txt):
    return txt.translate(leet.chars)
leet.chars = maketrans("eEaAiItTsSoObB", "33441177550088")

It's executes maketrans once only and keeps the namespace tidy. So
it's a bit like a static variable in other languages.


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