En Tue, 10 Feb 2009 08:03:06 -0200, Joel Ross <jo...@cognyx.com> escribió:


wordList = "/tmp/Wordlist"
file = open(wordList, 'r+b')

def readLines():

         for line in file.read():
             if not line: break
             print line + '.com '
             return line



It returns the results:


NOTE: Only returns the first letter of the first word on the first line e.g. test would only print t and readline() does the same thing.

This should print every line in the file, adding .com at the end:

wordList = "/tmp/Wordlist"
with open(wordList, 'r') as wl:
  for line in wl:
    print line.rstrip() + '.com '

Note that:
- I iterate over the file self; files are their own line-iterators.
- I've used the 'r' mode instead (I assume it's a text file because you read it line by line, and as you don't update it, the '+' isn't required) - the line read includes the end-of-line '\n' at the end; rstrip() removes it and any trailing whitespace. If you don't want this, use rstrip('\n')
- I've used the with statement to ensure the file is closed at the end

Gabriel Genellina


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