Once I have seen Haskell code, that ran fibonacci on a 4 core system.

The algorithm itself basically used an extra granularity paramet until which new threads will be sparked. e.g. fib(40, 36) means, calculate fib(40) and spark threads until n=36.
1. divide: fib(n-1), fib(n-2)
2. divide: fib(n-2), fib(n-3)
3. divide: fib(n-3), fib(n-4)

We tried this code on a 4 core machine using only 1 core and all 4 cores.
1 core wallclock: ~10s
4 core wallclock: ~3s

So there is a signifcant speedup, but I guess, this only works with Haskell out of the box. I have not tried it, but I think you can simulate Haskell's behaviour, by caching the results of fib(n). (We tried the same algorithm in Java. While it utilized all 4 cores, there was no speedup. This is why I think, that result caching is the only way to speedup fibonacci.



On 2009-02-10 17:34:54 +1000, Steven D'Aprano <ste...@remove.this.cybersource.com.au> said:

On Tue, 10 Feb 2009 14:28:15 +0800, oyster wrote:

I mean this
def fib(n):
if n<=1:
return 1
return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)

timeit(fib(500)) #this show 20 seconds

timeit(fib(500)) #this show 10 seconds [/code]

Is it possible?

What does useCore(n) mean?

and more, can threads/multi-processors/clusters be used to improve fib?

No. The best way to improve fib is to improve fib, not to try running it
on faster hardware.

Your algorithm makes *many* recursive calls to fib() for each call:

fib(1) => 1 function call
fib(2) => 3 function calls
fib(3) => 5 function calls
fib(4) => 9 function calls
fib(5) => 15 function calls
fib(6) => 25 function calls
fib(7) => 41 function calls
fib(8) => 67 function calls
fib(9) => 109 function calls
fib(34) => 18454929 function calls
fib(35) => 29860703 function calls
fib(36) => 48315633 function calls
fib(498) => 1.723e+104 function calls
fib(499) => 2.788e+104 function calls
fib(500) => 4.511e+104 function calls

Calling fib(500) the way you do will make more than 450 thousand billion
billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion
billion function calls. You claim that you calculated it in just 20
seconds. On my PC, it takes over a minute to calculate fib(38). I
estimate it would take over five hours to calculate fib(50), and fib(100)
would probably take 16 million years. I call shenanigans.


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