Thank You for your suggestions....I request you all to eloborate the
Uses(In Practical) for systems administrator.Some of my questions
regarding the same follows.

What do you want to do ?

1)Can i build web applications in Python ? If so how. I am planning to
build a web application for intranet use which deals with workflow of
Internal office communication.

Sure, you could use mod_python+apache2 or Zope, Skunkweb... there's a lot of options depending on what you need. I find it better than PHP because it'll raise exceptions when you do something funky. PHP's way of ignoring missing keys in arrays or silent type conversions is a double ended sword and can simplify code as well as giving hard to trace bugs.

2)Which is best opensource database to be used with Python ?

I like postgresql a lot, and the psycopg adapter for python is great.

3)When i write a remote execution script in python is it required that
python should be installed in remote system.


4)I heard about Perl/CGI and that CGI application done by python
too.....Is CGI still valid when PHP has taken over the WebApplication
Development, Dominating.

CGI will be slow as it spawns an interpreter for each request. See mod_python.

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