Phillip B Oldham schrieb:
Is there a simple way to set a date/time and convert it to a unix
timestamp? After some googling I found the following:
t = datetime.time(7,0,0)
starttime = time.mktime(t.timetuple())+1e-6*t.microsecond
That seems like very long-winded. Is there an easier way? I've read
the docs on the datetime and time modules, but nothing's jumping out
at me.
The built-in function time.localtime() returns a 9-item tuple, e.g.
(2009, 2, 10, 13, 29, 7, 1, 41, 0).
time.mktime() converts this tuple to the seconds since the Epoch as a
floating point number, int() converts it to an integer.