r0g wrote:

def inet2ip(n):
  p = (n/16777216)
  q = ((n-(p*16777216))/65536)
  r = ((n-((p*16777216)+(q*65536)))/256)
  s = ((n-((p*16777216)+(q*65536)+(r*256))))
  return str(p)+"."+str(q)+"."+str(r)+"."+str(s)

Beyond what other wrote:
To future-proof code, use // instead of / for integer division.
To get both quotient and remainder, use divmod(num,den)
For future reading (and generalization) documenting magic constants helps.

In 3.0:

def inet2ip(n):
  p = (n//16777216)
  q = ((n-(p*16777216))//65536)
  r = ((n-((p*16777216)+(q*65536)))//256)
  s = ((n-((p*16777216)+(q*65536)+(r*256))))
  return str(p)+"."+str(q)+"."+str(r)+"."+str(s)

def inet2ip2(n):
    p,n=divmod(n,16777216) # 1<<24
    q,n=divmod(n,65536) # 1<<16
    r,s=divmod(n,256) # 1<<8
    return str(p)+"."+str(q)+"."+str(r)+"."+str(s)

print(inet2ip(1000000000), inet2ip2(1000000000))



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