En Tue, 10 Feb 2009 16:22:36 -0200, Gary Wood <python...@sky.com> escribió:

Can someone recommend a good tutorial for Python 3, ideally that has tasks or assignments at the end of each chapter.

I don't know of any specifically targetted to Python 3, except the official one at http://www.python.org/doc/3.0/

For the most part, any Python tutorial should be fine. Perhaps the only visible change (at the tutorial level) is that "print" became a function:

# 2.x syntax:
print "Hello", "world!"

# 3.x syntax:
print("Hello", "world!")

That said, Python 3.0 is so recent that isn't widely used yet, and many third party libraries aren't available for 3.0 at this moment. This certainly will change in the future, but in the meantime, perhaps you should stick to Python 2.6 for a while.

Gabriel Genellina


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