On 12 Feb, 14:06, J Kenneth King <ja...@agentultra.com> wrote:
> I tend to work a lot with Trac for project management and have always
> found the browser interface to be a productivity killer. I always
> wanted a simple command-line interface to Trac, but having never found
> one I found a little free time and got off my laurels to make one.
> TracShell 0.1 is an early release, but it works. So far you can only
> query and view tickets, but planned updates include the obvious
> ability to create and edit tickets. Future plans will allow browsing
> of comments, change histories, attachments, and so forth.
> Please consider it really beta. The code needs a little tidying up
> around the edges. If you find any bugs, please report them and I'll
> fix them ASAP. Ideas, suggestions, and contributions are welcome.
> http://code.google.com/p/tracshell/
> Cheers.

Nice work.

Maybe it would be worth building at some point vim or emacs interface.


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