Damon wrote:

The original poster complained about needing to go off to third-party
sites to hunt for software. I wonder if the Python team has ever

The 'Python team' is everyone who volunteers to help.
How about you?

considered following the lead of miktex or R, and setting up a
centralized (mirrored) repository of packages? Let anyone who wants,
submit packages.

* Like R, every time there is a new version of Python, the repository
should rebuild the packages, for all supported platforms, and make
available all those that compile cleanly. R also forces you to write
properly structured documentation for every exposed function, before
the repository will accept it.

* Like miktex, when the user does "import foo", the Python interpreter
should (optionally) look for foo in its cached list of packages, and
download the latest version if necessary.

This works fine for R and miktex, and it has made my life very easy.

If you have an idea on how to improve the current package index, help improve it. Appoint yourself the 'test with new release' manager.



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