> why cannot this piece of shit writing give a single example of usage?

Actually, I can understand your frustration even if you should enhance
your vocabulary slightly. I often struggle with the Python
documnetation myself and I can't understand why a couple of  examples
are so hard to give. When I laernt PHP I used the resources at php.net
exclusively, and that's because of the plenty of examples and the
newbie friendlyness.  Recently I struggled with the regex module and
found the the documentation being close to worthless. I'm not a CS guy,
I may have a harder fight grasping concepts. The re documentation, like
much Python documentation seems to be written with other people than my
kind in mind. Luckily I found this regex howto:
http://www.amk.ca/python/howto/regex/ and that helped a lot. In
addition, Mr. Magnus Lie Hetland coincidentally  posted a question on
this list that got answers that helped me out.


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