Since you need javascript the cheap-n-dirty approach (xml parser, gui
library of your choice and just enough widget logic/https for your app
to work) is a no-go.  I don't know of a python  library with html
rendering and javascript (and https support could easily be another

Another option starts with Mozilla/Firefox; just strip away all
unnecessary GUI 'features' with a customized XUL.  I imagine you could
effectivly hardcode the 'home' URL and make the location bar read-only
without great effort.  That will give you HTTPS support, html rendering
and full javascript fairly painlessly.

Course' if your app was designed and tested for IE only you'll have to
wrap the MS rendering/javascript IE libraries.  Plenty of commercial
programs do it (AIM and Quickbooks come to mind) but I've never tried
and suspect there are serious licencing hurdles.


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