
got a short test against a website, and i'm using xpath (libxml2dom) in
order to extract the data. in order to create the xpath function/query, i
display the page in firefox, and use DOM/Xpather to get the xpath. i'm then
attempting to implement the xpath in my test python script.

my issue is that the xpath that appears to work in the XPather app, doesn't
give me the same results in my test python script.

my test app is below. it iterates through the list of rows in the tbl, and
for each row, it's supposed to count (and then process) the number of the
direct child "td" elements for the "tr". the xpath in XPather does this as
expected. my test app doesn't...

i can include the actual content from the page if needed. i'm including the
test script, and the output of the test...

any thoughts would be greatly appreciated...

the XPather function works as expected.

i've posted all the code/output/XPather xpath to pastebin to save space.. i
can send everything i have to whoever can help!!





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