I think I just found the GUI toolkit for Python I've been searching
for. It seems to meet all of the following requirements:

  * free software
  * small (I don't need batteries -- Python already comes with those.)
  * easy to use
  * actively maintained
  * cross-platform
  * easy to install
  * based on a stable and actively-maintained C library
  * does not depend on an external scripting language (for example,
  * well-documented
  * not too many dependencies
  * can easily integrate with PyOpenGL
  * support for accessibility

and it's also written in Python.

I have no idea how it's stayed under the radar in the Python community
for this long, yet here it is: [OcempGUI](http://ocemp.sourceforge.net/
gui.html). The C library it depends upon? [SDL](http://
www.libsdl.org/) (via [PyGame](http://www.pygame.org/news.html)).

The sf project page is <http://sourceforge.net/projects/ocemp/>.

Installation only requires getting SDL installed, then PyGame, and
then a `sudo python setup.py install` for OcempGUI. `cd` into its `doc/
examples` directory and run a few of the examples (ex. `python

The part of [the manual](http://ocemp.sourceforge.net/manual/ocempgui-
manual.html) that seems most like a beginner tutorial is <http://

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