Or the other way around :-)

Little off-topic, but...

After several months of fighting with Java threads, dead locks, live
locks, race conditions, I've rewritten my game server synchronization
so that threads are executed in concurrent way (with only exceptions
being socket sending and recieving threads), and all synchronization
is implemented on top of Java blocking structures (little blasphemy:
the way Stackless does it). After that change, the game suddenly
started working like a charm!

On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 13:24,  <rushen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Of course i have a long way to ago even if i am too old for these
> things. However, i think that being able to use both cores or more is
> a very big plus for execution time, speed like these. I believe many
> programs will be rewritten to be able to use multiple cores.

Aleksa Todorovic - Lead Programmer
Eipix Entertainment

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