Lee Harr wrote:
On 2005-04-12, Michele Petrazzo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm using PyChart like a module for create charts into a little web
site, but when I try to create one, I have this error:

/var/www/html/lgt/draw.py:19, in draw:
can = canvas.init(self.file_name)
/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/pychart/canvas.py:60, in init:
can = pngcanvas.T(fname)
/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/pychart/pscanvas.py:25, in __init__:
/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/pychart/basecanvas.py:70, in __init__:
self.title = re.sub("(.*)\\.py$", "\\1", sys.argv[0])

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'argv'

Why my script doesn't have sys.argv?

Is there another way to use PyChart into my script?

You are probably going to have to give more details.

Is there a file in your html/lgt folder called sys?


>>> os.listdir('/var/www/html/lgt/')
['engine.py', 'db.py', 'index.spy', 'linetest.py', 'index.html', 'db_mysql.py', 'mysession.spy', 'cds.html', 'templates', 'tmp', 'draw.py']

How are you serving the pages?

Apache 2.0.48, mod_python 3.1.3 and Python 2.3.3 on my mdk 10.0


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