En Tue, 17 Feb 2009 03:04:23 -0200, Peter Billam <pe...@www.pjb.com.au> escribió:

Greetings. (Newbie warning as usual) In Python3, sys.stdout is a
io.TextIOWrapper object; but I want to output bytes
  (e.g. muscript -midi t > t.mid )
and they're coming out stringified :-(  How can I either change the
encoding on sys.stdout, or close sys.stdout and reopen it in 'b'
mode, or dup(fd) it first, or whatever the right thing to do is ?

I cannot test this with Python 3 right now, but I think this should work (right at the start of your script):

sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'wb')

Gabriel Genellina


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