On Feb 17, 11:02 am, vedrandeko...@gmail.com wrote:
> On 17 velj, 00:09, "alejandro" <aleksanda...@brisiovonet.hr> wrote:
> > Provjeri da si nisi stavio ansii kada si instalirao wx.python.
> > Mozes probat ubacit iznad svega u fajlu komentar u kojem pise da je fajl u
> > UTF-8 i onda bi ti trebalo sljakat. Nadem sutra pa ti posaljem
> Pozdrav / Hello,
> It works now, all post were very useful, but now i have same problem
> with python MySQLdb. I want data that I got from
> wxPython TextCtrl write to MySQL database, but I don't know how to
> configure it.
> Any examples?
> Regards,
> John

You'll need to look at the python database connector's docs and/or
MySQL's docs to know how to do that. It would help to know what you
are using to connect to the database: pyodbc, adodb, sqlalchemy?

Most of those packages have their own mailing lists, but you're
welcome to post here too.


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