> Did I misunderstand the problem again?

Hmmm, yes ! But I think I am not expressing clearly my concern :-)

So my problem is that "default exception" are badly designed in their
use of their args attribute.

I know it is possible to subclass Exception as every object and add
the attributes I want with the name I want, etc...

BUT, some (if not most) default exceptions in __builtins__ use the
args attribute and put a string in it without delivering interesting
information about the exception.

So 1) I think it is nice to keep args as name for the attribute as it
avoids looking at the documentation for looking at each specific
exception/attribute name.
   2) but args should be more cleverly designed (again, I am speaking
about exceptions in __builtins__ not user defined exceptions) and not
be a simple string.

Now, forcing user to avoid using default exceptions (i.e. force them
to use user defined exceptions) for anything but interactive use or
debugging is short minded (nobody says that, but the current situation
implies that).

Anyway, I log this as request on SF.

Best regards,


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