"W. eWatson" <notval...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>I'm going to try out wxPython 2.8.92 for py25. It seems like the ansi 
>version is the choice for me. The other choice has unicode. Do I care?

Well, there's a subtle point that gives me an opportunity to point out a
lesser-known "feature" of the NT-based systems (XP, Vista, etc).

The core Win32 APIs on the NT-based systems are all Unicode.  When you call
an ANSI API, the system converts all of your ANSI strings to Unicode, then
calls the Unicode API, then converts any output strings back to ANSI.

So, there is, actually, a (small) performance advantage in using the
Unicode APIs instead of the ANSI APIs.

Unless you need your wx programs to run on Windows 98, I recommend you use
the Unicode version of wxPython.
Tim Roberts, t...@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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