On Feb 20, 9:45 am, coldpizza <vri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Why don't you just use Curl? It does a dozen of protocols including
> SFTP. And if the command line version is not enough for you then there
> are Python bindings for Curl.

I'm actually hoping to eventually package these tools using py2exe for
some co-workers, which is why I'm not looking to Unix utilities

On Feb 20, 9:48 am, Mike Kent <mrmak...@cox.net> wrote:
> I use Fabric (http://www.nongnu.org/fab/) as my Python-based
> deployment tool, but it uses ssh/scp, not sftp.

I'm looking at Paramiko right now which I saw some people
recommending, as SSH utils are required as well....


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