En Mon, 23 Feb 2009 04:51:39 -0200, Tony <sternbrightbl...@gmail.com> escribió:

I am trying to write a small program for my final for school, everytime i
run my program it gives me a return outside function error (after i fixed
all the indentation errors it throws at me), i am not very good at
programing with python atm, so any help would be appreiciated. and if im
missing somethign please feel free to throw
any suggestions out there.

Is this your *actual* code? It does not even compile...
Things like 'def foo(...):' are *functions*, not *modules*.

Variables inside functions (including its arguments) are locals, private to the function. Even if you modify them, the "outside world" doesn't notice. So a function like this:

def fight(HP, ZHP, weapon, boss=False):
    if weapon == 'fist':
        while HP > 0 and ZHP > 0:
            damage = 2
            ZHP = ZHP - damage
            if boss:
                HP = HP - dice_roll2()
                HP = HP - 2
    elif weapon == 'baseball bat':
          [... more code ...]

won't alter the "global" values HP, ZHP; in fact, it won't do nothing.

Either return the new values:
   return HP, ZHP
and also adjust everywhere you call:
   HP, ZHP = fight(HP, ZHP, ...)

Or mark HP, ZHP as globals (using the global statement).

Gabriel Genellina


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