Andy Dustman wrote:

>Transactions available since 3.23.17 (June 2000)
Transactions only supported on slow database types like innodb.

If you ever tried it you cannot say that mysql supports transactions. No.
Last time when I tried mysql 4.x did explicit commit if you simply
disconnected inside a transaction block. It was a year ago, but I will
never forget it.

>>foreign keys,
>Foreign keys available since 3.23.44 (Oct 2001)
They are syntactically accepted but not forced.

>Stored procedures available since 5.0 (5.0.3 is the current beta)
It's a beta.

>Postgresql is also a fine database. But note that MySQLdb (the Python
>adapter) also has an equivalent mechanism for returning rows as
>dictionaries. As for speed: I don't do any benchmarking, but there
>should be no substantial speed differences between the two interfaces.

I have seen real benchmarks. MySQL 5 is slower than postgresql and it's
also slower than firebird if you do some real work.



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