Use this instead:

import sys
   e = sys.exc_value

Only at the outermost block on your code, if ever... The fact that some exceptions don't inherit from Exception is on purpose -- usually you *dont* want to catch (and swallow) SystemExit (nor KeyboardInterrupt, and a few more I think)

Yes, this was at the outermost block of my thread's run method.

SystemExit exception did not generate an "exception in Thread-32" type traceback on stderr because for Python, it seemed to be a "normal" exit of the thread. So I wrote an except block, to see why the thread has been stopping. In this case, catching SystemExit was desired. The problem was in my mind: I thought that "except Exception,e:" will catch everything.

The solution was to replace "raise SystemExit(0)" with "raise TransportClosedException()" in another class.

Thanks again,



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