I have been trying to make a script that will download several rss feeds to my computer. The only problem I have is that I have to go through a proxy.

First I tried using urllib (python 2.4, win32) but I found that the http_proxy and no_proxy code were not implemented for win32. I have made changes to urllib and urllib2 so that they use the proxy set in either the windows registry or in an environment variable.

Question: How can I get this code added to the python distribution?

Then I found this script: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/277099

which uses twisted.web and does asynchronous requests, which is nice when you want to download a lot of rss feeds. But again it doesn't support a proxy, that I could find.

Question: Am i right that twisted.web.client does not support proxying?

Kind regards,

ps. I am just starting with Python

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