En Wed, 25 Feb 2009 12:42:32 -0200, Albert Hopkins <mar...@letterboxes.org> escribió:
On Wed, 2009-02-25 at 17:56 +0530, aditya saurabh wrote:

I defined two functions - lets say
fa = lambda x: 2*x
fb = lambda x: 3*x
Now I would like to use fa*fb in terms of x
is there a way?
Thanks in advance

I'm not sure what "use fa*fb in terms of x" means.

But if you mean fa(x) * fb(x) then it's just:

    fa(x) * fb(x)

I think he wants function composition, fb(fa(x)):

def compose(*funcs):
  def composed(x, funcs=funcs):
    for f in reversed(funcs):
      x = f(x)
    return x
  return composed

def square(x): return x**2
def plus1(x): return x+1
# same as plus1 = lambda x: x+1 but I like the def syntax

y = compose(square, plus1) # y=(x+1)**2
y(3) # -> 16

(or is it fa(fb(x))?)

Gabriel Genellina


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