i did try but still not working.But also i try  os.walk() for remote
computer like  os.walk('\\') it also failed>
Thats it is my main problem do i need any new imports besides import os

On 2/26/09, Chris Rebert <c...@rebertia.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 1:05 AM, lameck kassana <chela...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  > hey i want to count number of files in remote computer
>  >
>  > example of my code is
>  >
>  > import glob
>  > import os
>  > import time
>  > from datetime import date
>  > today=date.today()
>  > dir_count, file_count=0, 0
>  >
>  > for files in glob.glob('\\\files\*.txt'):
> Remember that *backslash is the escape character* in Python, so you
>  need to double-up your backslashes in the string literal (or just use
>  forward slashes instead, Windows doesn't seem to care for Python in
>  most cases). Right now, the path really only starts with 1 backslash
>  and it has a formfeed character in it (\f), so it's obviously invalid;
>  thus, your problem.
>  So you want:
>  #looks ugly, doesn't it?
> for files in glob.glob('\\\\\\files\\*.txt'):
> Or:
>  #will probably but not assuredly work
> for files in glob.glob('//*.txt'):
> Cheers,
>  Chris
>  --
>  Follow the path of the Iguana...
>  http://rebertia.com

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