
I am using both xreadlines and files iterators for a script that I need to 
finish. I am iterating over the entire file but stopping to use xreadlines to 
grab certain lines as strings to process them.

My question is how do I go to a previous line in the file? xreadlines has a 
file.next() statement that gives the next line, and I need a statement that 
gives me the previous line.

My script has a loop that looks for a certain word then breaks the loop. But I 
need to go to the previous line before I break since the script uses that line 
(which gets processed). I'm sure there is an easier way to do this but since I 
am new to python and have spent a lot of time on this script I can't really go 
back and change a lot of things unless there is no possible way. Something like 
the example below.

files = f.xreadlines()
Name = "Section 1"

for line in f:
   if Name in line:
     while x<20
       field = files.next()
         if "2.6" in field:




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