Gary Herron wrote:
> The question now is:  Why do you care?   The properties of strings do
> not depend on the implementation's choice, so you shouldn't care because
> of programming considerations.  Perhaps it's just a matter of curiosity
> on your part.
> Gary Herron

Well, it's not about curiosity, it's more about performance.

I will make a PHP example (a really quite simple )


Stat 1 : $aVeryLongString == $anOtherVeryLongString
Stat 2 : $aVeryLongString === $anOtherVeryLongString

Stat 2 is really faster than Stat 1 (due to the binary comparison)

As I said, I'm coming from PHP, so I was wondering if there was such a
difference in Python.

Because I was trying to use "is" as for "===".

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