En Wed, 04 Mar 2009 03:13:43 -0200, W. eWatson <notval...@sbcglobal.net> escribió:

I'm converting a Tkinter program (Win XP) that uses widgets that allows the user to change default values of various parameters like start and stop time in hh:mm:ss, time of exposure in seconds, and whether certain options should be on or off. The initial values are set in the code. I can pretty well modify matters, so the values of parameters can be saved and restored from a config file for use outside the widgets (dialogs). Basically, a list of parameter names and values are kept in the file.

Do you want to build a generic dialog (that is, do you want to *build* the dialog depending on what you find in the file)? Or does the dialog already exist? (In the former case, if you add a new parameter in the file, a new widget -of an adequate type- is created) I assume this is not the case, and you have a fixed dialog containing a known set of widgets that represent a known set of parameters.

You need some object that stores the config values, and read/save them from the config file. And a dialog that shows the config info and let the user modify it. You don't need any StringVar/IntVar/whatever, if you don't have to "track" changes to the variables (by example, a "zoom" slider might provide feedback by zooming the image).
So in the "Options..." menu item in your application, you:

        - create the dialog with the required widgets.
- call a method .setvalues(config) which receives a config object with all the settings, and assigns them to each corresponding widget. - have a method .getvalues(config) that does the inverse operation: from widget contents into the config object. - display the dialog (you must use a modal loop; see http://effbot.org/tkinterbook/tkinter-dialog-windows.htm ). If you use tkSimpleDialog, make sure the .apply() method calls .getvalues
        - on exit, the config object contains the final values.

Gabriel Genellina


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