En Wed, 04 Mar 2009 07:36:01 -0200, <abhinayaraj.r...@emulex.com> escribió:
I am a beginner in Python. In fact, beginner to coding/ scripting.
Here is a scenario, I need to code. Need your help on this:
A script that
1. Reads from a file (may be a local file say test.txt)
2. And, if the line begins with a "#", should print the line one
3. if the line has "##", should print the line 2 times,
4. And, if there are "###" in the beginning of the line, should
print the same line 3times,
5. And, if the line contains "####" or more "#"'s, then print as
"an invalid line"
6. if the line contains no "#" then print "looks like a code line"
For this as far the info I could understand,
- We need to use open('TextFile.txt') function
- Need to start a While loop/ For in loop
- By some means individually read every single line and check for
the above conditions
Start following the tutorial at http://docs.python.org/tut
You'll see it menctions a few ways to process a file; the cleanest
alternative to do it one line at a time is:
for line in some_file:
# do something with line
The interactive interpreter is great to experiment:
py> x = "some text"
py> x.startswith("#")
py> y = "## another text"
py> y.startswith("#")
Gabriel Genellina