jelle feringa wrote:
CGAL.Facet = OtherFacet
CGAL.Polyhedron.Facet = OtherFacet
p = CGAL.Polyhedron_3()

You're not creating Facet object here, not even Polyhedron.Facet.

Right, which is not the point; I'm trying to override the Facet, a topological
 entity of which a Polyhedron is composed of .
( vertex -> halfedge -> facet -> polyhedron )
I think so. External module written in C/C++ is often statically linked.

I'm sorry, but I don't follow you; what has linking to do with changing
 the behaviour of the compiled module?

Aaron explained it better than I did. Basically the C/C++ module uses C/C++ version of Facet class directly without consulting python interpreter, this is what I meant by static linking.

Since python is dynamic language, all reference is dynamic, but C/C++ are static language, extensions written in C/C++ have to make extra effort to create dynamic reference.

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