Supercomputer and encryption and compression @ rate of 96%

Take a document then or a 3D matrix document change it two random or
binary code or just a program for 0's and 1's and fold it over and over
like a piece of paper then having the 1 and 0 add each other or the
0,1's canceling each other out 1+0=0 and 0+1=1 1+1=1 0+0=0 if you gave
the folds addresses like on a spread sheet there would be no math.
First A 1-24  would fold to k 1-24 down.(See Example A )  Then at F1-24
down two k 1-24 ( See example B )  If you written a very long letter
and then change it two binary code it would look like this.
 f.10010101010100101010101 First A 24  would fold to k 24 down
 g.01010101010100001100101              See Example A

       See Example A
 h.01001010101010101010111 Then at F1-24 down two k 1-24

      See example B
 j.01010101010101010101010 Then from I 1-24 to K 1-24

 j.01010101010101010101010  Then from j-24 to j-1

 j.010101010101             Then from j-12 to j-1

 j.010101                   Then from j-6 to j1

 j.010                      Then from j-3 to j1

 j.01                        Then from j-2 to j1

 j.0                         Then you would have
                             1 bit to transfer over the
The bit sent would be 0 and the key code would be F1-24,k 1-24,
I 1-24,K 1-24,j24,j1,j12,j1,j6,j1,j3,j1,j2,j1 and would unzip or be new
encryption you could encrypt or compress 100 terabits down to 1 bit of
information. Now if you take this idea from my web site you could make
this allot more complex and unbreakable. Data encryption 360 degrees
rotation document 90 degrees and encrypt on every angel then 45 degrees
change it two binary code do it again and again and fold it over like a
piece of paper then having the one's and zero cancel each other out. In
theory you could send a 100 terabit program to someone's computer and
have it unzip and run and install or make
A computer processor like the new 64 bit AMD have the bit unzip into a
large ram drive and buffer use one half of the 64 bit processor decode
the message and the main 64 bit run the numbers. Another way of doing
this is to have a parallel computers with using one of the processes
run the compressed 1 bit of information give the uncompressed a address
on the ram drive to change and not even go threw the processor and then
with different information on each machine compare and run statistics
on information on a 45 tflops supercomputer and turn that 45 tflops
computer into a 1 bit = 100,000 terabits to infinite as long as you
have the ram for storage! with my calculations 45 tflops wouldn't
matter any more it would be how much data you have on a 32bit operating
system changing that to a 1 bit system it would be 32 * 45tflops would
= 1440 tflops   Matter moves so fast that it intergreats and
deintergreats faster then any speed we can see it like water from a
hose at real close speed it moves in -------- lines.


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