odeits wrote:
I am looking to clean up this code... any help is much appreciated.
Note: It works just fine, I just think it could be done cleaner.

The result is a stack of dictionaries. the query returns up to
STACK_SIZE ads for a user. The check which i think is very ugly is
putting another contraint saying that all of the ni have to be the

Well, the obvious way to get your constraint is by changing your SQL,
but if you are going to do it by fetching rows, try:

    FIELDS = 'ni adid rundateid rundate city state status'.split()
    ni = UNSET = object() # use None unless None might be the value
    stack = []
    rows = self.con.execute(adquerystring, (user,STACK_SIZE)).fetchall()
    for row in rows:
        ad = dict()
        for field in FIELDS:
            ad[field] = row[field]
        for field in 'city', 'state':
            if ad[field] is None:
                ad[field] = 'None'
        if ni != ad['ni']:
            if ni is UNSET:
                ni = ad['ni']

--Scott David Daniels

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