  This is an idea about something I'd like to see implemented in
I understand that's the purpose of PEPs, so I'll write it as a PEP,
send it here to receive your valuable feedback.


This is a proposal to increase the richness of for loops, only to the
extent that it equals that of list and generator comprehensions. In
opinion of the proponent, this will make the language more uniform and
would reduce the excessive level of nesting that is required
without introducing special keywords, or breaking backwards

This PEP is independent of, but related to PEP 3142.

The syntax of a for loop is restricted to the following:
>>>    for element in list:
>>>        instructions

Nesting for loops and conditionals is possible, of course:
>>>    for x in list1:
>>>        for y in list2:
>>>            if condition(x,y):
>>>                func2(x,y)

However, for list and generator comprehensions, the syntax is more
>>>    list=[func(x,y,..) for x in list1 for y in list2 ... if

Loops and comprehensions serve for similar purposes, and sometimes
was first written in one way is finally changed into the other. Thus
would be convenient to allow for more similar syntax in both of them.
This requires that the syntax of a for loop allows for nested for and
conditionals (and possibly while loops (see PEP 3142))

>>>for x in list1 for y in list2 ... if condition(x,y,...):
>>>     ''instructions''

In general, whenever
>>> [expression1  iterator]
is a valid list comprehension, then
>>> iterator:
>>>     statements
should be a valid loop.

As another example, it is sometimes the case that an iteration over
lists can be rewritten as a single iteration:
>>>         for x in range(10) for y in range(10)  if x+y==5:
>>>             print x,y
is equivalent to
>>>         for x in range(6):
>>>             print x,5-y
it is somewhat more conceptual to think of the first iteration as a
single loop.

It is actually possible to come very close to the notation proposed
using the generator comprehensions introduced in python 2.5:
>>>         for x,y in ((x,y) for x in range(10) for y in range(10)  if
>>>             print x,y
but this notation is cumbersome.

This PEP responds to the philosophy that if a nesting level is unused,
it should be avoided. For example, in the code:

>>> for x in list1:
>>>     func1(x)
>>>     for y in list2:
>>>        if cond(x,y):
>>>           func(x,y)
>>>     func3(x)

the second nesting  level doesn't contain any statements and thus,
should this PEP be passed, it should be written:

>>> for x in list1:
>>>     func1(x)
>>>     for y in list2 if cond(x,y):
>>>           func(x,y)
>>>     func3(x)


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