On 2009-03-10, Byung-Hee HWANG <b...@izb.knu.ac.kr> wrote:
> "D'Arcy J.M. Cain" <da...@druid.net> writes:
>> Byung-Hee HWANG <b...@izb.knu.ac.kr> wrote:
>>> Don't worry, Xah. At least, my minds is running on your rails.
>>> Please do not stop. BTW, what do you think about using Gnus
>>> instead of G2/1.0?
>> So you are going to repeat his postings in their entirety so
>> that those that block him will see them anyway, right?  Wrong.
>> We'll just block your posts too.
>> *plonk*
> Xah i know is a crazy critic,

Hey, we have standards here!  If you're going to do
psychological diagnoses, you have to quote at least one
Wikipedia article.

> not bad guy. Let's respond with critique for a critique, not
> ban.

Well, First, it's pointless: he pays no attention to either
critics or critiques.  And B) it annoys everybody else. 

[I trust that by this point in the thread everybody but the
masochistic or morbidly curious have plonked this thread.]



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