  I tried to take the Monkey Shell script
(http://www.sharp-ideas.net/archives/2005/03/monkey_shell_us.html) and
make it into an executable.  I am making an executable for the server
piece (monkey_shelld.py).  So my setup.py looks like this

# setup.py
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
import sys
import xmlrpclib
import os
import string
from SimpleXMLRPCServer import *
from ConfigParser import *
setup(console=[{"script": 'monkey_shelld.py'}],

...which i think is right.  I imported the same imports as
monkey_shelld.py uses (is that necessary??)  And i execute it like...

python setup.py py2exe

Anyhow, i run the setup and get a monkey_shelld.exe.  I can run the exe
and the server runs just fine.  Then I connect to the server using the
client (monkey_shell.py), and when I execute a command,  the client
side prints out an error...

xmlrpclib.ProtocolError: <ProtocolError for 500
Internal error

now, when i run the server script (i.e. python monkey_shelld.py),
everything works fine (i.e. i can send commands from client and get
server response), but when I try to use the server executable
(monkey_shelld.exe) I get the error (shown above) when I try to execute
a command.

Any ideas?  I am guessing that I am missing something from my setup.py.

Info that may be helpful in answering:
OS: win xp
Python ver: 2.4.1
py2exe ver: 0.5.4



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