"Ivan Van Laningham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi All--
> bruno modulix wrote:
> >
> > Mothra wrote:
> > > Hi All,
> > >
> > > I am the current author of the Astro-Sunrise perl module
> > > http://search.cpan.org/~rkhill/Astro-Sunrise-0.91/Sunrise.pm
> > > and was wondering if it would be worth while to convert it to python.
> >
> > Only you and your module's users may tell...
> >
> I'd use it.

I guess I spoke to soon

This was from the same source I used to create ny module.

> > > First off, I have never programmed in python. I would like to use
> > > this project to learn python.
> >
> > Well, this might be an answer to your first question !-)
> >
> If you can get your mind off the @#)*&[EMAIL PROTECTED]&-ing Perl syntax, 
> you'll be
> fine;-)
> > > Another question is, if I do this where can I put the results?
> > > As far as I know python has no "CPAN".
> > http://www.python.org/pypi/
> >
> They're working on the Python version of CPAN, but it's taking a long
> time.  I think they started in 1998 or so?  Haven't kept up, so I have
> no idea what's taking so long.  I'm sure someone more knowledgeable than
> me will come along and set us straight.
I checked out the above link (thanks!!)  I need to look deeper
at the docs for creating a "module"

Thanks all for the responses!!



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